St. Joseph's Matriculation Hr. Sec. School – Acharapakkam

Decency & Decorum

  • Pupils will keep the class rooms and school premises absolutely clean.
  • Damage to school property, disfiguring of walls, indecent language or behaviour are serious offence which may entail punishment, even dismissal.
  • Pupils will at all times show respect and reverence to school authorities and members of the staff. They should remember that every child of this institution is a gentleman or lady in the making. Copying in the examinations and tests is a grave offence. Pupils should be responsible for the safety of their property.They are advised not to bring costly articles to the school. The school authorities are not responsible for any loss owing to the violation of this rule.
  • Students are strictly forbidden to use bikes of any type to come to school. If found to be using strict action will be taken.
  • Hair cut by the Pupils should be done in a decent manner. Indecent way of hair cut or hair colouring will not be entertained.
  • Every student is expected to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in conduct, good manners and cleanliness both in and out of the school.
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